An invitation to all Alumni and Friends of U.S. Universities to
The 3rd Annual American Family Thanksgiving Dinner in London
Sunday, 28 November 2004, 13:00-18:00
The Commonwealth Club, 18 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5BJ
Nearest Tube: Charing Cross
The registration deadline (24 Nov) has now passed and this event is SOLD OUT
We'll see the 170+ that have registered on Sunday!
Apologies, but No tickets will be available at the door
Sponsored by:
Amherst Association of Great Britain MIT Club of Great Britain
Columbia Univ. Club of London Mount Holyoke Club of Britain
Georgetown Univ. Alumni Club of the UK Stanford Club of Great Britain
Harvard Club of the UK UK Texas Exes
Indiana Univ. Alumni Club of England Univ. of Illinois UK Alumni Club
Kellogg Alumni Club of London
PLUS…it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without football!
Big Screen College Football will be available downstairs throughout the afternoon:
ESPN College Gameday, Highlights from the UT-Texas A&M Game
and a 2nd Game (To Be Announced)
Adults: £45 Current Students: £42
Children13-17: £30 Children 6-12: £20
Children Under 5: Free
And Also
1/2 bottle of wine per person, unlimited juice, coffee and tea
Cash Bar Available Dress is Smart Casual
Please forward the RSVP form below & checks payable to
The Harvard Club of the UK to:
c/o Deepak Abraham, Goldman Sachs,
Christchurch Court, 10-15 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7DH
For those without UK Bank Accounts or if you would like to pay online, you may pay Via "PayPal" at:
For more information, please contact Deepak Abraham with the Harvard Club of the UK at or 0778 998 8440
A map of the Commonwealth Club's location can be found at:
An American Family Thanksgiving Dinner in London
Sunday, 28 November 2003, 13:00-18:00 The Commonwealth Club, London
Name: _______________________________ Email address: ______________
Address: _____________________________ Contact Tel #: ______________
_____________________________ U.S. University Affiliation:
City: __________ Post Code ________
RSVPs and checks must be received by no later than Wednesday, 24 November
Numbers will be strictly limited, please RSVP early to avoid disappointment.
No tickets will be available at the door.
Adults: ____ x £45 = £____ Children 13-17: ____ x £30 = £____
Students: ____ x £40 = £____ Children 6 – 12: ____ x £20 = £____
Children 5 and Under: _____ (Free)
Total Number Attending _____ Total £ Enclosed = _______
Number of Vegetarian Meals Required: ______
Please Forward this Form and Checks to:
Deepak Abraham, Goldman Sachs, Christchurch Court, 10-15 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7DH
Please Make Checks Payable to The Harvard Club of the UK
For Payment Via PayPal go to:
No reservations will be accepted without payment in full
You will be sent an RSVP confirmation via email within 5 days of receipt
Cancellations and full refunds will be made only if a written request is received at the above address by no later than Monday, 15th November. As this is the date that we must finalize numbers, apologies but no refunds will be issued after the 15th.